Stronger with You (With You Trilogy) Read online

Page 10

She quickly stepped in front of me, standing uncomfortably close. Her large breasts could have functioned as a shelf for my chin. Her sickly sweet perfume permeated the air around us.

  “I wonder,” she started, reaching back and pulling my hair bobble gently away from my head. “Why Jason’s even interested in you.”

  “Excuse me?” My head snapped up and I reached out to reclaim my hair bobble, but she dropped it to the floor.

  “You’re not his usual type,” she shrugged, running her fingers through my hair. It was more than creepy. I took a step back, straight into the wall, but she took a step closer, effectively trapping me.

  “You’re not even close to Jason Reed’s type,” she said simply. It sounded more as though she was thinking aloud than talking to me, as though I was just an inanimate object in her presence.

  I watched her eyes travel up and down my body again and registered the disgust on her face.

  “How old are you anyway?” She sneered. “You don’t look old enough to be at university.”

  I didn’t answer her, my temper was boiling. I couldn’t believe a complete stranger was talking to me like this.

  “It doesn’t matter,” she shrugged, taking a step back. “He doesn’t love you, you’re just a play thing to him. He’ll be done with you soon and be back to playing with the grown-ups.”

  I felt the grin on my face before I heard the laughter slip out of me. I shocked myself but the whole thing was more than laughable. Until that point, I’d pathetically allowed her to intimidate me but she’d revealed herself now. She was just jealous.

  “Oh, he loves me,” I smiled, bending down to scoop up my hair bobble. “And he doesn’t have a type any more. I’m all he wants.”

  She looked shocked and I took my moment of triumph, sweeping past her and exiting the bathrooms with my head held high.

  I bet she was expecting the last comment to hurt me, but it was exactly what I needed to reinforce my resolution to stand up for myself. I knew Jason loved me. I knew that fact as strongly as I knew that I loved him. Nobody would go through what Jason went through with my brothers if they weren’t completely and utterly besotted.

  I knew Jason had a history, I bet he even had a history with Shana, but I wasn’t going to let that affect us. Sure, it bothered me, but what’s done is done. Jason was with me now. That was all that mattered. She may have shared his body many moons ago but I was the only girl who had ever shared his mind and soul.

  “There you are, little squirrel,” Jason grinned, pulling me into him and kissing my forehead. “I need some of that luck you’re always giving Craig. I’m getting my ass kicked here.”

  I giggled at that. “Craig doesn’t need my luck, he trains harder than anyone.”

  “I don’t know,” Jason frowned. “He’s a little too good for that to be true.”

  “I’ll tell him you said that,” I threatened. We both knew I wouldn’t.

  “Bring it,” Jason grinned. “Just give me a couple of weeks to get back into fighting form.”

  I shook my head at him with amusement. I love playful Jason. I stood by his side as he played. My luck clearly wasn’t that good because he still lost the game.

  “You can’t be good at everything, Jason,” I smiled, consoling him as he came away from the table looking like a toddler who’d had his Lego stolen.

  “Want a reminder of what I am good at?” He winked, pushing himself against me and grabbing my ass with both hands.

  “Perv,” I teased, kissing the gap between his clavicles. “I’m more than aware of what you’re good at.”

  He pouted adorably and I smiled sweetly up at him. “But you’re very welcome to remind me when we get home.”

  “Let’s go then,” he urged, nudging me away from the pool table.

  “Jason, you’re up!” Hasim shouted.

  “You’re out of luck,” I teased, pushing back away from him.

  “Tell me about it,” he grumbled, cupping my chin to kiss me again before returning to the pool table.

  I watched him gleefully, enjoying the sight of his taught behind as he bent over to make a shot. He glanced back at me and caught me staring.

  “Angling for a picture again?” He grinned and I blushed in response.

  I ignored him and watched him make the shot, laughing when he missed completely. “Sorry,” I apologised, putting my hand over my mouth to stifle my giggles.

  He sauntered over to me and wrapped his hands around my waist. “More of that and I’ll have to give you a good spanking when we get home,” he warned, his eyes dancing.

  I gaped at him and he kissed my cheek with a smirk and got back to his game, leaving me alone with the clenching deep down in my stomach.

  I was contemplating demanding Jason take me home right there and then when I saw Shana approaching with Lottie. Shana shot me a smug grin, apparently having recovered her composure since the bathroom incident.

  “You best take a bit longer lining up that shot, Jason,” Shana cooed from the side, obviously appreciating his behind as much as I did.

  Jason looked up and gave her a smile but I thought it looked a little forced. Shana, however, seemed satisfied.

  “How was Canada, Shana?” Grayson asked.

  “It was great, I’m almost sad to be back,” she fluttered her eyelashes.

  “Almost?” Hasim grinned.

  “The male stock is definitely better this side of the pond,” she cooed, her eyes flicking back to Jason as he stood up and let Hasim take his shot.

  “Anything’s better than Canadians,” Grayson scoffed. “You’re all sorts of wrong though, girl. The all-American dream is standing right in front of you and I’ll give you a better ride than any stuck-up British beater.”

  “What are you doing here then?” I teased him.

  “Because, oh tiny one, Shana has a point,” he said, shooting Shana a cocky grin. “British girls are hot.”

  “Don’t forget that most of them melt at your accent,” I beamed at him.

  “And there’s that,” he laughed.

  “Men,” I rolled my eyes at him.

  “That’s enough of that,” Jason grinned, pulling Grayson away from me. “Go melt some other girl before I teach you a new use for this pool cue.”

  “Jason,” I scolded him. “We were just kidding about.” I laughed as he wrapped his arm around me.

  “Just marking you as my own, baby,” he said with a seductive smile.

  I coughed slightly and looked into his eyes to see them burning back at me. We both knew what he was referring to and it was bringing heat to my cheeks.

  “It’s been so long since I played,” Shana pouted, coming closer to Jason. “Mind showing me how?” She rested her hand on his arm. An act of over-familiarity that I didn’t like at all.

  “Sorry, darlin’,” he shrugged, subtly pulling his arm away to put his hand in his pocket as he tightened his other arm around me. “I gotta get this one home. We have to be up early.”

  I couldn’t deny that I was pleased with Jason’s response. I was also very pleased to see the look of disappointment on Shana’s face before she recovered her fake smile and recommenced fluttering her eyelashes.

  “We’ll catch up soon though, yeah?” Jason added as he guided me away.

  Her eyes lit up and she shot me a malicious smile as Jason said good-bye to his friends. I ignored her and gave Grayson a hug before Jason and I left to walk home together.

  “You’re quiet,” he said as we walked back to halls. He squeezed my hand gently, holding it in his. “Everything okay?”

  “I’m fine,” I said. “I’m just being childish.”

  “What’s up?” He frowned.

  “Shana,” I blushed.

  “What about her?” Jason cocked his head. “You bummed out about my good looks again?”

  I elbowed him playfully in the ribs but had to admit he was right.

  “She’s just a friend, baby. She’s been studying abroad for a semester and I haven’t seen

  “She doesn’t like me very much,” I frowned. I didn’t want to give Jason the full details and seem petty.

  “Don’t be silly, I don’t see how anyone could dislike you. Besides, she doesn’t even know you yet,” he squeezed my hand tightly before pulling it up to his mouth and planting a gentle kiss on it. “I like you, that’s most important, right?”

  “Right,” I grinned.

  As soon as we were inside the door, Jason pinned me against the wall inside and cupped my face in his hand. He tilted my head up towards him and brought his face closer, his lips against mine. I was only to happy to respond to his kiss, sucking his tongue gently as it explored my mouth. His kiss became more intense as he ravaged my mouth, his hips pushing towards me, his erection hard against my lower abdomen.

  My hips responded to his and my back arched towards him, my breathing becoming shallow as his tongue thrust against mine.

  “Let’s get upstairs before this get’s indecent,” he breathed, pulling away from me and adjusting himself.

  “Yes, please,” I grinned.

  “My palm’s got an appointment with your ass,” he warned, slapping it to make a point.

  “You were serious?” I asked, feigning shock but secretly a little excited.

  “Very. Nobody laughs at my pool skills,” he smirked.

  “I did,” I smiled, nibbling on my lower lip as I looked up at him.

  “You did,” he agreed, opening the door to my flat and locking it behind us. “Which is why you have to be punished.”

  “You sure I can’t convince you otherwise?” I asked. I felt unusually brave and began slowly undressing in front of him. I slipped my jacket off and hung it on the back of my chair before pulling my t-shirt over my head.

  “I’m most certain you could, which is why I’m not giving you a chance,” he smiled a dark smile to match his eyes. “Take your jeans off.”

  I did as he asked, my jeans joining my jacket and t-shirt on the chair.

  “Now your bra and knickers,” he said, taking a step closer.

  He watched my every move, his eyes scanning my body and shining with an overwhelming appreciation which made my confidence swell. He sat down on the side of the bed and motioned me closer.

  “You know the drill, baby,” he grinned, gesturing for me to position myself over his lap.

  I chewed my lip nervously, not sure whether I wanted to go through with it.

  “Come on, baby, we both now you like it really,” he smirked. He was right, I did, but that didn’t mean I was eager to submit to pain, even if it was followed by pleasure.

  “Don’t make me count to three,” he teased.

  I pouted but I climbed into his lap anyway, making a show of wiggling my ass in his face because I knew he’d soon be telling me off for not keeping still.

  “Still,” he warned, landing a rapid slap across both cheeks. I guess I earned that.

  “Sorry,” I grinned up at him, already enjoying his touch as he stroked the skin he’d just slapped.

  “Remember the rules, okay my little squirrel?”

  I nodded and made myself comfortable, enjoying the feel of his erection pressing against my crotch. I wiggled again, making sure I rubbed against it. I tensed waiting for the slap I knew was coming. This one would definitely be worth it.

  “You’re really asking for it tonight aren’t you, baby?” Jason chuckled, landing a second slap that caught the top of my sex, exposed with my legs pushed apart. He quickly began rubbing the same spot, spreading the moisture with his talented fingers.

  “The question is,” he paused to push his finger inside me. “Just how big your punishment should be.”

  “How big?” I turned my head back, feeling a little nervous, despite my sexual high.

  “Yep,” he smirked. “Twenty?”

  I whimpered and tightened my grip on the sheets.

  “You’re right, that does seem a bit high,” he nodded. “We’ll save that for a major offence.”

  He slipped a second finger inside me and began rotating them faster. I bit back a groan and tensed my hips so I wouldn’t rock back into him.

  “How about ten?” He asked, a delicious growling quality defining his voice.

  I whimpered again. I doubted I’d get much say in whatever arbitrary number Jason decided on but I knew he’d make it worth my while.

  “See ten sounds right, but I think you should be rewarded for that delicious little strip show you just gave me,” he smiled.

  Thank God for spontaneous braveness.

  “We’ll go for seven,” he said, shifting under me. “But I think we’ll change it up a bit. All fours, baby.” He withdrew his fingers and I pouted in response. I crawled off his lap and kept my weight on my hands and knees like he’d asked. I indulged in one of my favourite past times of watching Jason undress. I studied the muscles moving on his back, tight underneath his skin. I love this man. I turned my head away quickly as he turned towards me, not wanting to be caught ogling him yet again.

  “This is going to be a little different than normal, Jamie,” Jason explained, standing at my side and rubbing his hands gently over my exposed behind. “So you need to remember the rules.”

  I nodded, my eyes closed as he gently coaxed my behind with his warm hands. His fingers were in me once more, rekindling the fire that had been burning before he made me climb off of him. His other hand gently eased my legs further apart before it slipped under me and began teasing my nipples, tweaking each in turn. He quickly had me approaching my release, my whole body tense in an effort not to buck against him.

  “That’ll do for now,” Jason chuckled, taking his hands away from me.

  “Ngh!” I protested, opening my eyes and tilting my head to the side to look at him.

  “This was meant to be a punishment,” he reminded me.

  I pouted and he leaned down to kiss me.

  “I’ll make it up to you later,” he breathed against my lips and I smiled back, beaming up at him in appreciation.

  “Stay still, okay baby?” He prompted.

  I nodded again and braced myself as he knelt beside me on the bed. I felt his hands caressing my ass, brushing briefly over my inner lips before they returned to my behind. He slid one hand up to my lower back and pushed down gently, holding me in place. As his other hand slipped away from my skin, my whole body tensed, waiting for the blow.

  A small whimper escaped my lips as I trembled in anticipation. I didn’t have to wait long. The blow landed hard my left cheek, starting at the top of my thigh. It was much harder than anticipated and I bit my lip, holding back the cry of pain. I expected Jason to start stroking to soothe the sore skin but he didn’t, instead he landed a second blow on my right cheek.

  It caught me completely off guard and I didn’t have chance to bite back the cry it elicited. Jason let it slide though because he was too busy landing a third slap across both cheeks. I felt the tears stinging my eyes and fought back the urge to curl up into a ball. The bite was more intense than usual and it was hard to decide which side of the pleasure/pain border it fell on.

  Four. Five. They landed in quick succession in the same spot on my right cheek. No more. I don’t think I can take any more. I opened my mouth to ask Jason to stop but I didn’t get chance to form words as he landed the last two blows. Six. Seven. I cried out again but not quite from the pain. These two had both landed on my exposed sex. The pain was excruciating but it was quickly replaced by a pleasure of equal intensity that I couldn’t truly explain.

  My brain was in sensation overload from the stark, contrasting combination. All I knew was that I was beyond turned on and in desperate need of Jason inside of me. This confusion barely allowed me to register that Jason had moved. I still hadn’t fully registered it when his rock hard cock slammed into me in a swift thrust. I felt him still for a second but he groaned and immediately began thrusting in and out of me.

  This definitely wouldn’t class as lovemaking. Jason’s movements wer
e forceful and wild. I could tell he wasn’t fully in control of his actions, he would have stilled for longer if he was. He would have given me chance to acclimatise to the feel of him inside me.

  I didn’t care that he hadn’t. I was already teetering on the balance between pain and pleasure and the delightful thrusting had pushed me far over the edge, deep into the realm of pleasure. The realm where pain became pleasure. After just a few fast thrusts, I burst wide open, my walls clenching around Jason, squeezing him tight. I cried out in ecstasy, but Jason didn’t slow down. He kept on pounding into me, his hands holding my hips and pulling me into him with each thrust.

  “Jason,” I cried out. I needed him to stop, to let my body relax after my intense orgasm. It was one of the most intense orgasms I’d ever had and I could barely think. Jason didn’t reply and I cried out to him again, but this time I was pleading with him not to stop as the pressure inside me returned more intense than ever.

  I found myself pushing my hips back, meeting Jason blow for blow. I could feel his cock swell inside me and I knew he was close. Unbelievably, I was close too. Jason grunted my name as his hips bucked against me. The feeling of his hot virility exploding inside me sent me over the edge once more. My body trembled, wave after wave of pleasure coursing through my body as we found our Nirvana together.

  We collapsed on the bed and Jason immediately rolled us onto our sides so that his weight wasn’t crushing me. Always so considerate.

  “You are so fucking amazing,” he breathed against the back of my head, his arms wrapped around me. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you but I’m damn sure never letting you go.”

  “You won’t hear me complaining,” I smiled sleepily, still coming down from my post-orgasmic high. Should that be double-orgasmic high? I’d never had two orgasms in such quick succession before.

  “Are you okay?” He asked, his voice softened by post-coital contentment.

  “Yep,” I grinned, nuzzling against his hand as he cupped my face.

  “I didn’t hurt you?”

  “You hurt my ass,” I teased. “But I forgive you.”

  “Are you serious?” He asked, pushing up on his elbow to look down into my eyes.

  “Well, wasn’t it meant to hurt?” I frowned.